Albert writes:-God being a creator of everything on earth and heaven suffered 
humilation when He became man. God had to take shape of his creation and become 
Jesus. He did all this for love of man. What did man do ? murder the creator 
the healer etc. Did God put a crown on his head ? did He put any title or 
subtitle against his name ? When Moses encountered God at the burning bush, God 
just told him " Iam who am." He did not boast about himself each time He spoke 
either to Moses or Abraham. Today man was prestigeous title against their name. 
They want earthly crown on their heads. They held their heads in pride to show 
superiority and boast of their being elected or selected .We will be 
celebrating Good Friday on this Friday. We did it last year too. We will be 
staging a tiatr at the church ground where image of Jesus will be crucified and 
people will be crying and shouting and mourning and the next day that same 
Jesus will be forgotten forever. Jesus gave us just two commandments. Love God 
and Love human beings. Our tiatrs will have no meaning if our hearts do not 
acke for the fellow man suffering physical or mental or spiritual tortures. 
There are many unhappy human beings on this planet. They have been deprived of 
their happiness by other fellow human beings. Some of them have been cheated, 
or their happiness is killed by others. They too have right to live and right 
to love. Many youngsters will be there who are deprived of parental love for no 
fault of theirs. Their parents have given them tons of notes but no morsel of 
love. They are roaming from Cafias to Pontius Pilate to see if they can buy 
love with the notes that they have. Many parents who have spent all their life 
carrying burden of tortures for their love ones depriving their own pleasures 
and happiness. They have toiled and moiled from morn to evening just to gain 
happeness for their offspring and now they are tortured in the homes for the 
aged. They get enough food and the nuns take lot of care but what love they 
expect from their offspring cannot be given by the nuns. The nuns try to make 
these old people happy but they are not. The children of those unfortunate 
parents will be celebrating Good friday with fasting and mourning and by 
wearing black . Hypocrites.                                       
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