Albert writes:- Roman Catholics do not show reverence to the Holy Bible and if 
they did they would keep it on a pedestrial and lighted a oil lamp to show that 
it is the word of God. We know very little of the Bible and do not want to know 
it either. The church has shown very little interest in the word of God and I 
often wonder which heaven are we planning to enter !Many times people try to 
tell us about the bible but we are always suspicious of those people who speak 
about the bible. To capture heaven Jesus must be born in your heart and your 
body must be the temple of the Holy Spirit. We care so much about the material 
church even though it is closed and no one visits them, What if these unwanted 
and unused churches are converted into some small scale industries. what if I 
send my proposal towards this ? There will be hue and cry and people will start 
abusing me and call me essentric etc. because we do not know the meaning of the 
word church. My body is the temple of the living God and that is so if few of 
us gather under a mango tree and pray won't that form a church ? We are so 
worried about feast which are meaningless but we do not care for our brethrens 
who are starving. We celebrate birthdays and other days in a grand style but we 
have amidst us those who have no shelter to live and are sleeping in the open. 
There are some who eat only once in a day and have knowned hunger from  
childhood. Are these not the children of the living God ? are only Roman 
catholics children of the living God ? Will only Roman catholics reach heaven 
and what about others !Some one told me to go to heaven we have to be baptised 
but what is baptism ? How many of us know that they have received baptism ? did 
we receive baptism of the holy spirit ? are we born again the word that Jesus 
himself used to tell us that we have to be born again meaning we have to change 
ourselves from what we are and follow christ. Jesus has given us assurance that 
if we want to go to the Father we have to come to him and no one else. How can 
we believe in someone who has not seen the father rather than believe in the 
one who has seen the Father ? What is going on in our lives is a tiatr .        
Climate, controversies and the changing signatures of nature

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