Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
     and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
         environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


 *O Heraldo*
Tuesday, March 30, 2010


*A lesson for all MLAs
Orlando da Silva, Carmona*

*The Tourism Minister Mickky Pacheco attending the gram sabha of his village
andsupporting the members to oppose the mega project in his village is a
lesson worth for all the other MLAs in Goa.

We all know that most the MLAs are co-partners of the builder lobby to usher
mega projects in their villages in the name of development against the
wishes of the people. They are not bothered whether these mega projects will
put pressure on the basic infrastructure like water, electricity, garbage,
sewerage etc in the village. Their only interest is how many flats/bungalows
he will get or how much money the builder will pay for his support.
Sarpanchas and panchas are also tamed by distributing loaves of bread to
silent and issue licenses violating all rules and norms in the name of
and foregoing local dissent. Mickky’s question on how the mega project will
benefit locals is most appropriate.
Top builders from outside state have managed to grab prime Goan land and in
turn the land rates have skyrocketed. The prevailing rate of Rs 7000-8000
per square meter in a village like Carmona is making it impossible for aam
aadmi to have a shelter for himself and his family. I wonder when Goans will
realise that their purchasing power has diminished to negative due to these
mega projects approved by their so called leaders and savers of Goa and
Goans in the guise of development. All I can confidently say is that this
type of lopsided development has only benefited the politicians and not the
aam aadmi.
Viva all miseries to the aam aadmi and all riches… to the people in power.


Industry and Jobs

THERE is a big hue and cry asking for more industrial units in Goa in order
to promise employment to the sons of the soil. Will the NGOs and the
government and the people at large write to each and every industry and
verify from them how many Goans have been given jobs? As far as my knowledge
goes, 80 per cent of the jobs are held by non-Goans. Will the government
please wake up?


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