Received the following tragic news from a Goanetter in Saudi....:-

Nadia Dourado is dead

Nadia Dourado is dead. The young woman who was the romantic interest or very
good friend of a South Goa minister had consumed a tube full of Ratol, a
powerful rat poison. It is an open secret who the minister is because he
kept rushing up and down between Goa and Mumbai, while she was struggling
for life in a Mumbai hospital. Nadia is reported to have told the magistrate
in Mumbai that she mistook the Ratol for toothpaste and squeezed it on her
toothbrush. The doctors however said that she had consumed the entire tube.

Now the minister should have been careful. He should have read the
instructions on the tube. "Precaution- Keep away from Children and Pets".

For many days Nadia was known as Victim/patient, 28F. She was hospitalised
since the 15th of May. She was treated in Mumbai, then flown to Chennai for
a reported liver transplant, but died there.

Nadia was well known in Loutulim. She was a very attractive young lady who
used to drive an SUV at speed. Locals used to point her out as the love
interest of the South Goa Minister.

NGO to CM: Sack minister or face massive uprising

After the death of Nadia Dourado, the NGO Savera spokesperson Tara Kerkar
called for the sacking of the "heavyweight  minister". She has promised a
massive uprising of all women's rights organization if the CM does not sack
the minister. She holds the minister responsible for Nadia's death by
playing around with her medical treatment. She asks the Chief Minister what
he is doing for women in Goa. She has given him a deadline of 24 hours to
sack the minister. If he does not, she promises a huge agitation on the

Kerkar stated that the girl was first taken to Apollo Victor Hospital, then
taken to Mumbai, then to Chennai. All this rapid shifting around did not
allow the victim to have proper medical treatment, which may have been the
aim all along of the minister in question, alleges Kerkar. It looks like
murder, she said.

Kerkar will be taking the case to the Human Rights Commission too.

COMMENT: Why is the press in Goa so concerned about the Minister Pacheco?


Gabe Menezes.

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