Soter wrote:
No one denies that Tarvottis and gulfies did not improve their own living 
conditions and educate their children. But besides improving their economic 
status and personal social status, what has been their meaningful contribution 
to the over all political, social and cultural development of this State? They 
brought in the money and hoarded it in the banks? 
This is why I grow fearful for Goa. There are a lot of people making a lot of 
noise in Goa, who have no understanding of how economies work and I'm afraid 
it's becoming a bit of the blind leading the blind, and in the land of the 
blind the one-eyed man is king.

Let me give Soter a brief lesson in Economics 101. The money that the tarvottis 
and Gulfies brought and "hoarded" in their banks is absolutely essential to 
growth. The bank then lends this "hoarded money" or what they call in economics 
the "savings" (a healthy rate of saving being essential in a functioning 
economy) and lends it out for investment purposes at a favourable lending rate 
(also essential in a functioning economy), which is how investment and 
development takes place. All that Soter sees around him in Goa today is the 
result of that tarvotti and Gulf money, that he so sneers at. 

As for tarvottis and Gulfkars heralding the moral degradation of Goa, what is 
it these people should have done? Stayed in Goa, spending long hours at the 
local gaddi, then become sarpanches and bleeding people dry with bribes and 
black-mail. Tarvottis and Gulfkars are doing honest work onboard the ships and 
in the Gulf. The sort of work, if those left in Goa ever did, they would die of 
exhaustion within a week. Soon, they would return to touring the beach shacks 
on their bikes, looking for White British aunties who will pay for their drinks.

Soter you should be ashamed of yourself for writing this about tarvottis and 
Gulfkars, when these boys of ours have literally Saved Goa, unlike the 
sarpanches who line up outside their doors the moment they return for hand-outs.


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