Hi Moderator, 


Could you please post the appended response to Message 2 that appeared on
Goanet Digest Vol 5, Issue 534.


Thank you. 


Oscar Lobo. 



Dear Soter, 


You have given us all some food for thought about Goans who are contributing
to the daily lives of Goans in Goa. I hope you are not endeavouring to hide

your rash statement "Tarvotti and Middle East Goans have made money washing
the toilets of Firangi and Arabs".


In the past through your passionate postings, you have portrayed yourself as
an educated Goan and always wearing your heart on your sleeves like few
others we know

in Goa.  In that pursuit you have put up some good cases on Goanet Digest
for which I thank you. I found you to be a very balanced man although
sometime there were elements of tangent nature. 


We all make errors of judgement because we are after all human being.  Your
comments regarding Tarvotti and people from the Gulf was a bad taste and one
below the belt!

Please pause for a moment and think that the genuine interest and real
difference that Goans make are those who have been Tarvotti's and those
working on the sandy shores 

of Middle East including those in Goa. Goans in other countries have Goa in
their heart and spend time giving feed back even though they are busy with
their lives. 


Goa is facing big challenges and we should all be seen working together to
avoid any more fractions between us.


You may find it appropriate after pondering to take back your words which
are by all means inappropriate.


Thank you for your good work in the past and best wishes for the future.


Oscar C. Lobo.






Message: 2

Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2010 23:32:00 +0530

From: "soter" <so...@bsnl.in>

To: <goa...@goanet.org>

Subject: [Goanet] Are Goans back home chors and white auntie hunters

      for   some NRIs ?

Message-ID: <000501cb01b4$9f4659c0$1901a...@user77948b9580>

Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";



Great to know that Tarvottis risked their lives on the seas while Gulfies
slogged it out with job insecurity. All those who remain in Goa are nothing
but chors and waiting for white aunties to sponsor a drink or con some NRI
sponsors in the name of social work or fleece them in the Panchayats.


-What about thousands of Goan fishermen who continue to risk their lives on
the seas that we may have fish on our plates? What about the labour back in
Goa that climb several floors on scaffoldings to construct the offices,
malls  and other luxuries that we enjoy? What about the coconut pluckers and
others who climb heights to give us toddy for our feast sannahs and vinegar
to cook our meat, tasty mangoes and the rest of delicious foods?  What about
those health workers who work with communicable disease patients in Goan
hospitals and other health care homes? What about the farmer who works in
the pouring rain, biting cold and the scorching heat to grow our food? What
about the newspaper boy and milk man who brave the weather to deliver our
needs at the door step in the morning? What about the air crew that fly the
airplanes to ship us? What about the bus drivers and train drivers who day
after day and night after night drive up and down the same route to
transport us? What about our electricity lines men who climb the poles and
other heavy tension lines to ensure our power supply? What about those who
work on our roads and other infrastructure? What about the thousands who
work in our Goan industrial estates on meagre salaries? What about the
coolie at the airports, rail and bus stations, who carry our baggage? What
about hundreds of activists battling it out against corruption and
illegalities without public contributions? What about the sincere and honest
public servants and elected representatives in our government offices,
panchayats and municipalities? What about so many little people that keep
our Goa going and make our life comfortable?






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