*No woman is safe…
C Da Costa, Margao
*The sad and untimely death of young Nadia Torreado, a girl from Loutolim
has sent shock waves down the spine of every young girl in Salcette and in
Goa. It is public knowledge, although the local newspapers tried to shelve
the culprit, despite Goa’s electronic media splashing it all over that
people of Goa know who the actual culprit is.
It was common view to see this particular controversial minister in the
Digambar Kamat ministry flaunt this girl and was also seen recently in Dubai
at the finals of a popular football tournament organized by Dubai Goans,
wherein the girl in question formed part of the minister’s entourage,
despite having a cast in one of her legs.
The sins of the ministers in the current Digambar Kamat dispensation are
becoming too many for the people of Goa to handle and since Digambar Kamat
is protecting such criminals in the sanctuary of his ministry, it would be
in the best interest of Goans if the centre shunts the current CM and
replaces him with a less corrupt and less evil option.
I hope the dead girl and her family will be given justice. Years ago in a
molestation case, the Goan voters pulled down a ruling party speaker, it is
to be seen if the people will come out to catch hold of Digambar Kamat to
sack this monster he has been long rearing in the cabinet and who is
responsible for a lot of crimes and has never done justice to the ministry
handled by him.
I am sure if there is a free and fair investigation, which we doubt, there
are more skeletons that will tumble from the closet…
Maybe, the police should raid the minister’s hideouts to stumble upon some
proof in this case.
Also, like the CM and his infamous double speak, this minister involved
recently made a statement in the media that tourist women are not safe in
Is any girl safe from the clutches of politicians in Goa, specially the
dreaded woman snatchers?

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