On 2 June 2010 17:31, marlon menezes <goa...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> I do find it strange that someone would mix up toothpaste with rat poison.
> Furthermore, the family's public comments should not necessarily be taken at
> face value. Perhaps they have been threatened or been paid off by the powers
> that be. That fact that the deceased has been linked to a poli-goon makes
> this whole episode very suspicious.
>  Marlon Menezes
> RESPONSE: Okay, I was being  facetious - Sarcasm - lowest form of wit. I
checked on Ratol and have come to the conclusion that just touching it to
her teeth would have caused a violent chemical reaction:-

Health Hazard
 This compound is very caustic when ingested. Zinc phosphide reacts with
water and acid in the stomach and causes severe irritation. The probable
oral lethal dose is 5-50 mg/kg, or between 7 drops and 1 teaspoonful for a
70 kg (150 lb.) person. Most patients die after about 30 hours from
peripheral vascular collapse secondary to the compound's direct effects.
Extensive liver damage and kidney damage can also occur. Ingestion of 4-5
grams has produced death in human adults, but also doses of 25 to 50 grams
have been survived. The lowest oral lethal dose reported for women is 80
mg/kg. (EPA, 1998)


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