Lately my movement is restricted by minor cervical spondylosis. I am
on painkillers.
I am keenly following the direction and dynamics of the 'mining agent'
discussion. I have seen in 33 years of my active public life how well
settled people suddenly wake up, choose an issue and take a high moral
position. Now an intensity scale is being prescribed for environmental
I am pleased to inform all the discussants that I would be publishing
as a  booklet ( with Konkani and Marathi translations later) without
editing all the critical comments about me and put them before the
people, including obviously people in mining areas. It would be useful
also after my death ( it may come sooner than any one of you expect,
this is not a joke but take it is a serious statement) as an excellent
peer review of a scientist-activist's life. Please be very liberal in
your criticism. Cyberspace words don't hurt me. In fact, it would help
me to review my own decisions, my own life and considerably improve me
spiritually. Besides such shock treatment also kicks up my literary
More critical comments are welcome. Also please dig as much as
possible from my personal life. Get the records from Panaji and
Ribandar/Old Goa police and the JMFC courts about my arrests , time
spent in jail and attending the courts etc. I also wish to  post
details about my assets and liabilities and income and expenditure and
my lavish lifestyle voluntarily as the interesting discussion
proceeds. it would prove my corrupt nature. Any punishment from
cybercourt is acceptable.
We need more critical discussion. Inflate the archives. My four and
half year old son when he grows up can also excavate the archive and
understand how useless and selfish his father had been.
 I am also thinking in writing about these comments in vernacular
media so that people come to know about my real face, mistakes, crimes
and misdeeds.
I would show the most critical comments when delegations from mining
affected areas, farmers, horticulturists seeking advice for public
hearing etc, approach me at my residence or Goa University.
I would also ask my close colleagues-Rajendra Kerkar and Ramesh Ganwas
whether they approve this interesting inquisition and consult them
about future course of action. I would also discuss this matter with
ex student leader and journalist Mr. sandesh prabhudessai of Prudent
Media (funded by a Mining group, no conflict of interest there?) and
former student leader, engineer and vice president of Goa Bacahao
Abhiyan, Ravindra Bhavan,, Margao and CEO of Fomento's Margao Sonsodo
project (no conflict of interest there?) lyricist Mr. Shridhar Kamat.
I wish to also consult Dr. Bikram Patel of Sangath whether their
collaboration with Dempo mining co. amounts to 'conflict of interests"
and whether Indian NGOs and activists are comfortable with pharma
giant Wellcome Trust's sponsorships.
 I have my own critical assessment of the 'mining agent' debate.
Actually it has little to do with Arundhati Roy related postings. I am
a thorn in the way of many people.  Details of this politics in my
free and frank memoirs....
Interestingly, I would have been spared of "mining agent" label  if I
were to be on the same level as Dr. Ligia Noronha. With excellent
local, national and international  contacts/connections , including
those with NGOs and activists and policy makers whatever she does as a
paid job/ employee of TERI  would never be seen as 'conflict of
interests'. As an environmental economist she knows much more and in
detail about legal and illegal mining in Goa. She is definitely in a
position to satisfy the expectations people keep from me.

For those who are unaware-dr. Noronha is also a member of Western
ghats expert panel chaired by Dr. Madhav Gadgil. We met in Bangalore
on March 30 th.
Read the minutes of the meeting at

I had mentioned in the Bangalore meeting the pressure brought on me.
My assessment of this environmental politics and its' clandestine
international angle would be sent in a report to MOEF and the Home
I would now like to see what improved yardstick is applied to Dr. Noronha.
Although my ideology has been questioned the ideological architect of
mineral foundation of Goa is non other than Dr. Ligia Noronha who was
fellow of TERI. A separate yardstick has been applied to her and her
NGO. The proof is directly from TERI website as below:-
A frame work for a minerals foundation
for Goa Mineral Ore Exporters Association, Goa, India
This project suggested and designed a framework of a Foundation to
support environmental and social programmes in the Mining belt of Goa.
This project was taken up at the initiative of ‘Goa Mineral Ore
Exporters Association’ (GMOEA) so as to assist them in setting up the
said foundation.
Salient features of the foundation
 Nature- corporate foundation
 Type of corporate foundation - donor and partnering
 Legal form- society
 Governance structure– a tri-sector partnership of GMOEA/GMA (Goa
Mining Association), government and civil society
 Core programme -environmental improvements, community development and
best management practices
 Funding mechanism-corpus and annual contributions based on tonnage
produced and from other sources based on the principle of
 Guidelines for submission of proposals and the criteria for approval
have been prepared for environmental projects and other activities.
The foundation was registered on 12th December 2000."

Does anyone knows why Canada is funding mining research in Goa?

 Nothing was discussed about Canadian mining interests ( Canada also
exports ore to China and has its' environmental problems to tackle) in
Goa and Canadian funding for research on mining in Goa. More about it
later...and from open official sources

Now here is some interesting information about my nomination on EC of
MFG conceptualised by TERI.
I am not consultant to MFG. All that I have received , like other
members as per their rules, so far is Rs. 2000 as sitting/transport
expenditure for a single half day meeting. I learnt many things in the
meeting -like how people in mining area  approach MFG for projects. I
would like to post copies of minutes. In fact I could see wasteful
expenditure. I asked the chairman "are you running a parallel
administration in these villages?".
I did not lobby for EC of MFG membership. It was Mr. Parag ranganekar
who approached me with the request.
Mr. Parag Raganekar is  a well known ornithologist and natural
historian in Goa, he specializes in birds, butterflies, dragonflies
and damselflies and is an employee of Mineral foundation of Goa.
would NGOs go after his blood, boycot him, see conflict of interests?.
I can initiate a nice inquisition against him-" Bloody butterflies!Why
ornitho/lepidepterologist Parag licking the boots of criminal miners
through MFG?."
Goanetters may please give the green signal....

Finally-please have a careful look at the list of non official members
who had represented civil society on MFG before me. Was a separate
yardstick applicable to them?. One member mr. Wagh is no more there to
defend himself. For the term 2009-11 besides me Dr. Narayan Dessai is
also nominated.
For those who may not know he is  related to environmental activist
and social worker , Nyon 6, 6 agitation hero Dr. Dattaram Dessai and
another selfless champion of  Goa's sustainable future Dr. Anil Dessai
( in UK).
I am happy that Dr. Narayan has been ( at least so far, who knows what
happend after I post this?) spared of all the "mining agent' tirade.
Questions directed to me have not been so far directed to him.
Since all these postings are valuable for posterity and I am not
afraid to sacrifice my life for any dear Goan cause, while fighting
till last breath against forces who wish to break and disintegrate my
beloved country-once again I welcome the most critical criticism. Let
the anger, hatred, misgivings, mistrust, frustrations come out in full
force.  It would be a valuable Internet literary asset for me. I am
spoiled by likes of Saint Eknath.
'Ma vidvishavahay, sarve santu niramaya, Sarve bhadrani pashyantu, Na
kaschit dukhmapnuyet'
Mining agent-Nandkumar

Parag's mail is pasted below.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Parag Rangnekar <>
Date: Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 9:41 AM
Subject: Re: Is Nandakumar Kamat an Agent of Mine Owners and the
Politicians Who Want to Sell Minerals for a Song to Multinationals for
their Personal Benefit?
To: "Dr.Nandkumar Kamat" <>

Dear Dr. Kamat,
Apologies for the delayed response. The following have represented the
civil society on the Executive Committe of the Mineral Foundation
1. Shri. R. A. Mazalkar
2. Dr. B.A. Gomes
1. Shri. K.D. Sadhale
2. Shri. Jagdish Wagh
1. Shri. Arun Madgaonkar
2. Smt. Asha Sawardekar
1. Shri. Arun Madgaonkar
2. Dr. Narayan Desai
warm regards

Dr. Nandkumar Kamat, GOA

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