I think the point is not about quoting from a  public archive, but
rather *harvesting* email IDs from a public mailing list and then
*spamming* people out of their mind... Even when there are repeated
requests from them to be taken off the cc "list" they didn't ask to be
on, in the first place.

As for me, I find this sometimes rather entertaining and keeps one in
humour on a slow day in Goa. (Someone seems to be so keen to ensure I
read them via this list, that they placed my address on readnotify.com
-- so everytime I read the incessant circle of abuses, a notification
goes out :-) And you thought eyeballs came cheap?)

In addition, such an endeavour keeps other grumpy old men like me
busy, so that lessens the kind of damage that can be done had they to
run loose and amuck on more widely-read fora.

Only problem is: when someone wants to get off this 'spammers list'
and he's dragged back kicking and squealing everytime. I think this is
as unfair as laughing at the pig we're going to slice up for the
feast, as he keeps protesting!


On 10 July 2010 00:56, Santosh Helekar <chimbel...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Shri Fernandes,
> These bogus rules and etiquettes of yours are
> a figment of your imagination. Goanet has no
> such rules. It is a public forum. Discussions
> on it can be continued in any other forum or
> mailing list. What a private free citizen does
> in this regard is his/her own business. Nobody
> can do anything about it. Permission is needed
> only to post private emails and discussions
> in public forums, not the other way round.
> For eaxmple, I need permission from you to
> post in a Goan public forum the filthy abusive
> emails you have cced to me and
> others personally. Please give me that
> permission. We will then see who broke
> the rules, etiquettes and laws.
> Regarding the electronic proof you have
> against me to nail me, I give you full
> permission to post it on Goanet. It will
> give people a chance to assess the credibility
> of your claims.

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