I too am on this list for the reason that I had replied to a post on goanet a year back. I had asked to be off this list but still I am there..my email ID is being flashed on goemchim xapotom and also another recently formed group...though am no longer subscribed to these groups. When I was on holidays my mailbox was clogged with junk
from this group, specially by some guys who seem to have no work at all.
I have blocked most of them, but I still get mails as new ids are being added.

Edward Verdes

----- Original Message ----- From: "Frederick Noronha"
Only problem is: when someone wants to get off this 'spammers list'
and he's dragged back kicking and squealing everytime. I think this is
as unfair as laughing at the pig we're going to slice up for the
feast, as he keeps protesting!


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