Yes, 1-2 guys appear to have left goanet for the over-the-top Goan chat site. 
And few others who are active on both and other sites, have markedly reduced 
"last wordism" on goanet; taking the debate to the other site(s). That is very 
good for the vast majority of goanetters; but few of us are bearing the brunt 
this 'pirachit'.

But truth be told, sometimes their galactic write-up is humorous; because their 
toothless bloviation (Goenchim xapotam murree) displays strength through 
ignorance.  As they point out to each-other (and rest of us), the writings are 
layered with half-truths and bursting with straw-men and irrelevant questions. 
So in honesty, our prayers should go for these 6-9 bloviators. Hope 
they receive 
their karmic rewards they have earned as quickly as possible.  But very likely 
they will only get those karmic rewards when they get our names off their spam 

Till then we have to be prepared to be convinced by their logic, if there is 
one, of:

1. Including the vast majority of us on their spam list. 
2. To have an audience to observe their one-on-one slanging match, which 
often is boring with the same old ... same old. 

3. Seeing Goa's funky old men wading at the bottom of the barrel, pulling 
each-other's kashti.
4. Telling us who is who's friend, because like true friends (condoms) they 
protect when things gets hard. 

So I would add my humble voice to the many that have written on this topic. We 
should be spared of the disparaging comments of these wannabes groping to write 
something that is brilliantly-stupid.

Let us wait, as only time will tell if satire works.  The good news, is that 
last two days we have been spared of their spam mail. Any bets / wagers that 
this interlude will not continue?

Regards, GL

--------- Gabe Menezes 

I think that since the departure of one, Goanet has become a much better forum. 

--------- Frederick Noronha wrote:

I do not think it is very edifying to see grown men pour scorn and heap abuse 
each other's head, by the bucketful, and believe that it is "debate". What is 
even more tragic is that some of the gentlemen on this list are highly 
experts in their own respective fields. Have we Goans lost the gene for 

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