Shri Fernandes,

It is clear that you are not able to quote a single Goanet rule which 
explicitly states that I cannot post my Goanet post anywhere else, nor that I 
have to ask your permission to do it, as you claimed. So now you are resorting 
to this kabuki dance of asking me to search for key words. 

Any sensible person knows that for Goanet to call something a cross post it has 
to be posted somewhere else before. A response that is first posted 
on Goanet is not a cross post by definition. It may be a cross post later on in 
some other forum if it is posted there. That forum can then reject it as a 
cross post if it wants.

So I will say this again one more time. I have every right to post or cc a 
response to your nonsense anywhere I want. There is nothing you can do about 
it, nor anyone else. If you abuse me in response, it is you who will be thrown 
out of Goanet for breaking the rules, not me.



--- On Mon, 7/19/10, Jim Fernandes <> wrote:
> Senhor Helekar,
> This is basically my point - you are conveniently omitting
> pieces of GoaNet rules to suit your argument.
> I am not into spoon feeding, but will make exception for
> senhor Helekars sake:
> Please search for the key word "cross posts" in GoaNet
> rules and you will see what I mean by my assertion. Please
> check whether GoaNet dis-allows "cross posts".
> If others are cross-posting your responses you have a right
> to take up your case. You have NO right to cross-post mine.
> In the same vein when I see someone or some entity
> mis-using my email ID to publicly claim that I am in their
> mailing list, I reserve the right to use any language I want
> - to pay back - specially if they refuse to remove my ID
> from their list.
> Had you not cross-posted my GoaNet email to your private
> list, you and your Old Boy Network, you would have saved
> yourself a lot of grief.
> Bahama Mama got my rebuke because he asked for it :)
> Better get used to my language if you decide to break
> GoaNet rules to post my GoaNet messages to other lists. I am
> going haunt you even in your dreams :)
> You have no argument to challenge my response "post-facto".
> You broke the rule first - therefore whatever follows is a
> consequence of your initiative. If you think I broke GoaNet
> rule, it is because you broke it first. I am only defending
> myself.
> Does that make sense?
> Jim F
> New York


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