Arwin Mesquita <> wrote:

Dear Soter,

a: Who bought the Konkan Railway; was it not a Catholic lead Government?
b: -And why are still voting for the same Catholic responsible for the same?
c: Is this not Hypocrisy?  Appears we want to have our cake and eat it too!!


Would Mr Mesquita, please advise WHO bought (brought) the Konkan
Railway (I assume) to or through Goa?

May I also ask if the then CM who OKed the project to pass through the
areas it is passing through, much against expert advice ...... IF he
is still contesting elections?

It is a totally different point that George Fernandes (a former Jesuit
priest to be) was determined to make the Konkan Railway
happen.......and that many Goans find it convenient .....and use it to
travel to Bombay and back.

I hope that Goans understand that post Dec 19, 1961 .....every single
Indian citizen has the fundamental right to travel to Goa, seek a job
in Goa, reside in Goa and build a house and business in Goa. .....etc

Individuals like Arwin can do nothing about it except beat their
chests and  perhaps get some promises from politicians. You know what
they say about political promises, do you not?

BTW: As far as I see it, Goans are irrelevant in Goa. A major
politician has already expressed with surprising honesty .....that he
does not need the votes of Goans.


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