Gilbert, Sir,

You, with all your expertise, find out who started the so called 'SPAM' mail list.
And then go and attack him/them.
If you need a somewhat workable AK-47, I shall oblige.


9890470896 for scroll up expanded party presentation on the Home
Page. Go for it GOA. Know something you have never known can happen in Goan


----- Original Message ----- From: "Gilbert Lawrence" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 8:06 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Goa - Answer Within

As usual, Floriano, you have spoken the words of wisdom of "the 'catholic'
community of Goa owns the responsibility for the wayward (hypocritical) actions
of it's own community members ..."

Can we do something practical nearer to home?

Can we stop the spam mail generated by "the wayward (hypocritical) actions of
it's own community members ..."? In fact after the recent discussion on
Goanet about this topic; one of first spammer in my e-mail box was from your
post to other equally guilty spammers. The other spammers, since that
discussion, has also been other members of "the 'catholic' community of Goa."

I would most appreciate if you and others could cooperate, instead of writing
about what others should do. What part of "STOP SPAMMING" DO YOU GUYS NOT

Regards, GL

--------------- floriano wrote:

The sooner the 'catholic' community of Goa owns the responsibility for
the wayward (hypocritical) actions of it's own community members as MLAs and
Ministers [ the blessing of the cabinet members at the Raj Bhavan
by Ex-Archbishop Raul Gonsalves] of the Goa Government for long and for
re-electing them and their kind over and over again , using it's massive clout,
the better it will be for GOA to retain it's fast disappearing IDENTITY and
everything GOAN which is in dire jeopardy. Needless to say that I commend you
on your stand.

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