Fr. Ivo vide Message: 7, dated: Sun, 25 Jul 2010 finally wrote on above
subject: "Dear Dr.U.G.Barad, You are distorting my clarion-call and the
teaching of Christianity by linking with "gay sex scandal" in Italy or in
India. I have quoted Hindu wisemen and people of integrity..." 

My response: Fr. Ivo it is up to you to interpret on my straight-forward
questions posed to you. In fact, your earlier message(s) prompted me to ask
you those questions. Most importantly I have not linked Christianity with
gay sex scandals. If at all you have to blame for destroying your
clarion-call and your teachings ..blame those clergy involved in gay sex.
For entire world knows the involvement of clergy in gay sex scandal as well
as the apologetic response of most respected Benedict. 

More over, you being a clergy I thought I would get more clarity on the
issues involved. But from your above answer I conclude that our "India will
never shine" in the way you projected it earlier. 

Best regards, 

U. G. Barad

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