Dear Vasant,
Christians must not practice caste. Period. THEY MUST NOT/SHOULD NOT in
professed egalitarian spirit-have anything to do with caste. This is true,
and complex as may become more apparent by the end of this post.

The charm of  most system is they inherently involve exogamy and endogamy;
although remarkably not exclusive Of course people do not wish to loose
their sense of belonging, and others want/seek parity and even benign
equality, They cannot deal with the idea of being Outcast themselves, but
the idea of knowing where they stand as in Tum Konnalo is admirably
ingenious don't you think? Most of the are from reasonably superior stock
anyways. Besides the Hindus do not need this except for deeper specifics. I
lived with a Hindu family for five year, and Baba would say, te vihirintle
pav kha'un bhatle gele, but considered me as part of the family. An outsider
who had come in,

Often people want different things in various aspects of their lives. Even
ones (both Goan Hindus and Christians) who may not say out loud---who and
what they, or where their antecedents stretch from--have the security of
being part of something--a certain way of being, which also involves who one
loves, marries, what one eats, how one dresses, etc, etc. Modernity brings a
certain levelling, but not always a change in thinking--towards seeing a lot
less more, of certain pasts. How much more? I think that depends on the
individual, their hurts and personal banshees.

Finally, the idea of Jesus and caste hankerings is a peculiar Indian
Christian issue. Very often the reminders to Christians of Jesus' Way (say,
Love, also Rejection) come from non-Christians. Its admirable (as in full of
Love) when done in the right spirit.

In 2000 I did a piece, Cherub visitation, where these cherubs are visiting a
Dwarpala--essentially wanting to learn from the big entity, and share. Btw,
in this vein there is a book, which freaked a lot of Indians--The Unknown
Christ of Hinduism.Caste. To my mind, non-Christians often remind Christians
of Jesus and Caste, to suggest tangentially. that they expect more from the
Indian Christian. Again very admirable when done in egalitarian spirit and
laudable (laudatio)

venantius j pinto

> From: Vasant Baliga <>
> To: Goanet <>
> Subject: [Goanet] Caste and Creed in Goa
> (del)
> How can the caste system be practised by followers of Jesus-it foxes me


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