Cornel, you may not agree with me, but I think we should pay tribute to the
colonial Catholic Church
of Goa for making Catholic bamons of Goa a rather homogeneous group.  Unlike
Goan Hindu
brahmins  who claim themselves to be Gaud Saraswats, Prabhus, Daivadnyas,
Karhades, Deshasthas,
Chitpavans, etc. Goan catholic bamons are simply bamons, period;  though a
few may claim
themselves to be of Gaud Saraswat denomination.(vide Gazetteer of India -
Goa, Daman & Diu )

When *I say*  colonial Catholic Church, it does not necessarily mean  the
Portuguese Patriarch,
but his no: 2  in the Goa diocese  namely '' A sua santidade bramanica ''the
Vicar General,
who was inevitably a Goan bamon.

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