On the thread of Vivian's D'Sousa's post, I would suggest that consulates or embassies should have an information counter with an educated "civil servant" to inform the applicants the exact documents needed.When they are at their post, they forget to be polite and give the right information; that means going more than once to the consulate/embassy. Besides, Mr Faleiro, were you informed that in Lisbon the people queue on the foothpath? These details are important to applicants as it is a torture to be treated like an inmate of Guantanamo, and over all, to face a clerk who is not in his best mood on that particular day.

I hope Mr Faleiro, you can take these complaints to the minister concerned, you needn't make another trip to confirm the fact.I've this grudge, because it happened to me in Bonn years ago, and more than once here in Portugal.

Please take these suggestions Mr Faleiro,and propose that the clerks be given a course in dealing with the public and we'll think you have done a wonderful job to the indians abroad.


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