I am refuting below all the bogus claims made by Fernandes.

--- On Thu, 8/19/10, Jim Fernandes <amigo...@att.net> wrote:
> Helekar brought in Teotonio to bolster his argument that he
> is dealing with a supposed Goan intellect and therefore my
> line of questioning Helekar's motive, would become
> off-limits.

The above is pure nonsense. Teotoniobab's name was included because I was 
copying and pasting a response to his comment on Goa Research Net. My response 
explained exactly what I wanted to say about the study. Inclusion of his name 
does not give Fernandes a license to abuse Teotoniobab on Goanet.

> For the record, I only stated facts about Teotonio - there
> is no question of abusing him in any way. A more interesting
> commentary on Teotonio is available at http://www.colaco.net/1/FredVdG.htm   .

This is a falsehood. What Fernandes has stated is his ignorant negative opinion 
about Teotoniobab. Please see his quote below:

"I have some serious issues with the credibility of Teotonio's views and his 
writings about the Portuguese."
....Jim Fernandes

What credibility or scholarship does Fernandes have to question the credibility 
of Dr. Teotoniobab De Souza on Portuguese history?

> My response:
> "Merely cced a few posts ...." ? Hello?

I had cced exactly 8 posts to Fernandes along with members of another Goan 
mailing list on two related topics that originated on Goanet. Most, if not all 
of these posts were already posted on Goanet.

> It took me a month or more, to stop the SPAM completely.
> Since Helekar included my email ID in his SPAM list to begin
> with, it was his duty to ensure my ID was taken off of it
> upon my request. He didn't.

This is a blatant falsehood. I removed Fernandes' name from the cc list as soon 
as he announced that he did not want to be on it. My first cced post to him on 
that list was on July 2nd and my last cced post to him was on July 5th. So it 
is exactly 3 days, not "a month or more" as he claims. As far as his receiving 
emails from others in other threads which were cced to me, is concerned, I can 
see that the last email by others was on July 25th, so again Fernandes is 
deliberately deceiving Goanetters, even on that front. 

In that time we received the most filthy and obnoxious email on that mailing 
list from Fernandes, and public threats against me on Goanet, as well as 
against another Goanetter on that list.

Any sensible Goanetter would realize exactly where the problem and blame lie in 
this case.



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