JC wrote-

That having been said I am not so sure that Baliga's assessment of
Nehru is accurate, unless Nehru was really daft. I'd only say this
about Nehru and ALL other politicians: They take decisions mainly for
political expediency. I also believe that there is NO such thing as
democracy. There is a facade being presented, and that is all there is
to that. The thing we call Democracy is a mechanism used by some to
make flowery speeches and extravagant promises to con the naive to
elect a set of thieving dictators every 5 years.
If you do not believe me ..... Try get an honest and scrupulous +
principled man without money an "election ticket" ....and elected in
2010. If you are in doubt, call up Tony Correia-Afonso in Benaulim.
Yes, He is an honest, upright and capable Goan and also a 'Bharati'.
On the matter of Salazar, I would invite Vasant Baliga to expand on
the effect of Salazar on the vast majority of Goans antes 1961; I will
accept feelings as relevant IF they are based mainly and reasonably on
known facts and not on propaganda, hearsay and revisionism.
Just as one judges the state of health care in a country by the Infant
Mortality Rate (and not what health care is only available to he
wealthy), I suggest that the affect and effect of Salazar on Goa could
reasonably be assessed on the basis of HOW the poor, indigent and
elderly were managing during his stint.
Additionally, here are some questions which may be reasonably asked:
a: Do the vast majority of Goans feel safer in their homes and on the
roads in 2010 v 1961?
b: Is the environment better in 2010 v 1961?
c: Is Goa cleaner in 2010 v 1961?
d: In 1961: Was the standard of living for the average Goan living in
Goa better or worse than the average resident of Savantwadi,
Ratnagiri, Kawar and surrounding areas?
e: Are the folks who ripped Goa's natural sources antes 1961 any
different from the ones who are ripping it in 2010?
I will skip the topic of the satyagrahis who crossed into Goa .... for
now. I doubt 'satyagrahi' can cross any border in 2010 without meeting
similar or even worse consequences.
I conclude with this point: It is nice to know that Salazar (according
to Vasant Baliga) is very relevant to feelings of Goans (in 2010). I
hope the Goans, Baliga refers to, realise that they were recently (in
2010) considered quite irrelevant by Digambar Kamat.

My Response:

Dear JC Baab,


As regards 1961,Nehru never regretted the take over of Goa but got his 
comeuppance the next year when the Chinese humiliated him and he died a lonely 
and broken man in 1964,his Panchshila and Non Alignment Policy in ruins,after 
had to grovel before Kennedy in 1962 for Military Aid.The military takeover of 
Goa was, in my opinion, wrong and misplaced and was contrary to India's 
professed foreign policy at that time-Nehru spoiled the global image of India 
for temporary political gain and perhaps to divert public attention from other 
pressing matters.Although Salazar was adamant against negotiation on Goa,sooner 
or later Portugal would have negotiated-subsequent events proved that with the 
collapse of his fascist dictatorship in the mid seventies and the Carnation 

Democracy has it’s flaws,but is the only system where a robustly free 
press,independent judiciary and periodic elections hold people 
accountable.Dictatorship of any kind can never be a substitute.We saw that 
during the Emergency rule under Indira Gandhi.Corruption is presently endemic 
India,including Goa and is eating at the roots of India's polity.The PM is 
personally honest but presides over a corrupt Cabal.Goa suffers in this 
regard,like the rest of India and has it's share or more of dishonest 

Now as regards development of Goa from 1961 onwards-it presently has the third 
highest per capita income of Rupees 1,06,000,just behind Delhi and 
Chandigarh.All economic,social and infrastructural indices show a great 
improvement in the last fifty years.In the Sixties there was no electricity and 
water supply in the villages and hardly any pucca road connectivity.Literacy is 
now at 80% as opposed to 30% in 1961.Healthcare access as also 
telecommunications and road connectivity have also vastly improved.There is no 
dire poverty in Goa, as we know it, as compared to the rest of India.Portugal 
did not invest adequately in Goa's infrastructure-the British did pay attention 
to India's infrastructure.
a: Do the vast majority of Goans feel safer in their homes and on the
roads in 2010 v 1961?

Yes and No.The vast  majority of Goans ,who lived in Goa, upto1961, were 
disenfranchised and lived in a continuous state of fear and were suppressed 
under a dictatorship-a small elite who toed the line and were part of the 
establishment reaped the fruits.Complete Freedom of Expression and Belief for 
the majority did not exist and there was no free press.However,law and order 
probably better under a dictatorship,as it was during India's Emergency Rule.
b: Is the environment better in 2010 v 1961?

No-this is due to unplanned development and Urban Sprawl,like the rest of 
India.But who sold the land for this "development"?
c: Is Goa cleaner in 2010 v 1961?

No-Garbage keeps piling up as population has grown and civic services have not 
kept pace for garbage disposal.
d: In 1961: Was the standard of living for the average Goan living in
Goa better or worse than the average resident of Savantwadi,
Ratnagiri, Kawar and surrounding areas?

The standard of living was probably better in Goa from 1954 to 1961-Salazar 
poured subsidised consumer products into Goa from 1954 onwards-India was then a 
very poor country.The situation now is different and Goa is way ahead of the 
rest of India in terms of quality of life.
But one wonders why a large number of Goans still chose to leave Goa and study 
and work outside Goa upto and including 1961.
e: Are the folks who ripped Goa's natural sources antes 1961 any
different from the ones who are ripping it in 2010?

No-the Mining Lobby were the robber barons in cahoots with the Portuguese and 
Haftas per tonne were paid in Portugal for preferential treatment.Nothing has 
changed in that regard.
Finally,if Goans from 1961 onwards were upset with Indian rule,there would have 
been some sort of an uprising and protests like in Kashmir-nothing of the sort 
has happened except on the Internet.

Democracy is messy and imperfect- but the only way people are represented along 
with a free press and there is a considerable degree of 
accountability.Dictatorship or Fascism is not the answer anywhere in the World.

The attached article written in 2004 by Pai Panandiker,a renowned Economist,is 
fair assessment on Goa since 1961-

Best Regards

Vasant Baliga


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

ISSUES BEING DEBATED: In East Africa, despite colonialism,
the British afforded the Goan a sliver of a socio-political
voice. Read *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by Selma Carvalho.
Soon to be available in Toronto. Pp 290. Via mail-order from
goa1...@gmail.com http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/

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