JC's response to Vasant Baliga (VB)

Dear Vasantbab .....Thank you for the courtesy of your well thought
out response. My own thoughts are interspersed.

VB [1]: The military takeover of Goa was, in my opinion, wrong and
misplaced and was contrary to India's professed foreign policy at that
time-Nehru spoiled the global image of India for temporary political
gain and perhaps to divert public attention from other pressing

JC [1]:  Professed policies and lip service having been noted, 1961
was an opportune time to divert attention from the other issues facing
the populace especially as a general election loomed. Politicians have
only one goal i.e. re-election. That is the only method of retaining
power, influence and amassing wealth while producing this drama about
'service' and 'democratic will of the people'.

VB [2]:  Although Salazar was adamant against negotiation on
Goa,sooner or later Portugal would have negotiated-subsequent events
proved that with the collapse of his fascist dictatorship in the mid
seventies and the Carnation revolution.

JC [2]:  If one really believes in democracy, one should start with
consulting the people for whom 'decisions' are being made. Neither
Salazar nor Nehru sought to engage Goans in discussions about their
future. So, I ask, what democracy?

VB [3]: Democracy has it’s flaws,but is the only system where a
robustly free press, independent judiciary and periodic elections hold
accountable.Dictatorship of any kind can never be a substitute.

JC [3]: Democracy is like Milk. Milk is available as Full Fat, 2%, 1%
and Fat Free. So also, Democracy. Politicians control funds and
licensing of news-media (until recently, even news-print was
controlled). The Judiciary at the top is usually principled - but one
needs to have money and good legal advice to overcome the hurdles in
the lower rungs. And then, we have unscrupulous lawyers

VB [4]:  The PM is personally honest but presides over a corrupt
Cabal. Goa suffers in this regard,like the rest of India and has it's
share or more of dishonest politicians.

JC [4]: But are the members of the 'cabal' not the one's who have been
elected by the process termed as 'democracy'?  As far as 'dishonest
politicians' are concerned, are you aware of any corrupt Goa
politicians (and civil administrators) in the first 60 years of the
20th century? What happened thereafter?

VB [5]: Now as regards development of Goa from 1961 onwards-it
presently has the third highest per capita income of Rupees
1,06,000,just behind Delhi and Chandigarh.

JC [5]: The per capita income for Goa was always higher than for
Indian States - Such data and figures are skewed (Gaussian
distribution) and would benefit from a study of the folks in the
middle 95%

VB [6]: In the Sixties there was no electricity and water supply in
the villages and hardly any pucca road connectivity. Literacy is now
at 80% as opposed to 30% in 1961. Healthcare access as also
telecommunications and road connectivity have also vastly improved.

JC [6] Considering that 'water supply' is different from 'availability
of water', I would suggest that the vast majority of Goans had more
than enough clean drinking well water in 1960. The other indicators (I
hope) have also commensurately increased (with time) in Karwar,
Sawantvadi, Hubli, North Kanara and Ratnagiri.

VB [7]: There is no dire poverty in Goa, as we know it, as compared to
the rest of India.

JC [7]: If true, No difference from 1960

VB [8]:  Portugal did not invest adequately in Goa's
infrastructure-the British did pay attention to India's

JC [8]: You mean to suggest that Portugal did not build schools,
hospitals, non-collapsing bridges and flood-drainage systems (as in
Panjim)? I, for one, would have thought that compared to what
resources and wealth Britain took from India, Britain did near-nothing
for India. We all know, do we not .....WHO swiped the funds belonging
to the sons and daughters of the SOIL?

Enough for one day from me (:-)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Goa-launch of the well-received *Into The Diaspora
Wilderness* by Selma Carvalho on Aug 29, 2010 (Sunday) at 11
am at Ravindra Bhavan, Margao. Meet the author, buy a signed
copy (only Rs 295 in Goa till stock lasts).

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