The Goa Su-Raj Party is happy to announce its solidarity with the 'Pilern Citizens Forum - PCF led by Adv. Yatish Naik and others demanding the outright scrapping of the existing Photo Electoral Roll so that a new, more honest , proper and consistent electoral roll may be prepared for this State to cull the bogus voters and/or migrants enlisted in the electoral roll at the behest of influential politicians and/or dishonest enrolling officers.

This Party has written to the CEO, Altinho, Panjim yesterday that a delegation of the Party Executive members want to meet with the visiting Chief Election Commissioner, who will be in Goa on 30th and 31st. August, 2010.

This Party wants to bring to the notice of the CEC the different procedures followed by every Mamlatdar of the State of Goa when the procedure to be followed to enroll/transfer/delete voters into/from the electoral roll is uniform and is prescribed in the guidelines set by the CEC.

This Party wants to impress upon the CEC that for far too long, due to the hog-wash electoral enlisting/deleting procedures followed by the CEO Goa through various Mamlatdars, Goans are getting the government they do not deserve. Also this Party wants to ask the CEC as to how a person who holds the EPIC ID Card can be deleted from the electoral roll for reasons of not being present at the declared place of residence when the electoral officers/enumerators visit the place. As to our best understanding, if a person is a citizen of India and if that person is enrolled into the electoral roll and is issued a voter's ID, that person cannot be deleted from the rolls for merely being absent from the place of residence. That there are set procedures to be followed to ascertain whether the person's name should be deleted or not.

This Party hopes that the CEC gives due consideration and respect the Party's wishes and meet with him on this sensitive issue.

Floriano Lobo
Gen. Secretary
Goa Su-Raj Party
(m) 9890470896
email: floriano.l...@gmail,com
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Goa-launch of the well-received *Into The Diaspora
Wilderness* by Selma Carvalho on Aug 29, 2010 (Sunday) at 11
am at Ravindra Bhavan, Margao. Meet the author, buy a signed
copy (only Rs 295 in Goa till stock lasts).

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