Dear Gasper, Cajetan, Floriano & Matanhy

Thank you for your respective thoughts. Gasper I am glad that Cajetan made your day.

I share your “I believe’ mantra as well as educating the public. What time span do you reckon this “mantra” can be achieved vis-à-vis the corruption prevalent particularly after 19 December 1961? Is Goa only full of Catholic, Muslim and Hindu Goan brothers and sisters to generalise “Maka kiteak podlam”. What about the new Goans after the invasion/liberation/separation whatever other
nomenclature that is used.

It has been exactly 48 years and 8 months for the education process. Are votes being able to be purchased either directly or indirectly for whatever social status?

In the modern day politics how many educated people can see through and through the party lines and choose to stand as independent candidates or join a new party such as “Goa Suraj” who has some good philosophies and backbone. People belonging to the old party lines have allegiance to the party on a “blind fold basis” even though they know that their party is wrong on certain issue
and this has been the case for centuries throughout the world.

History of India reveals that India did not attempt to change the “I believe” mantra, so why this belief would be extended to Goa being part of India?

What we need to eradicate is not only “ Maka kiteack podlam” but perhaps “Maka poishe zaem” – corruption – can we do something about corruption as I believe both these issues are interconnected.

For the sake of new addressed added to this mini list, in addition to the exchange of e-mail below, I am attaching a copy of an e-mail received today from our Floriano Lobo (addressed to you and a copy endorsed to me) and an e-mail from Mr. Matanhy Saldanha dated 28 August 2010 for the benefit of all.

I reiterate my statement in my appended e-mail of 28 August 2010 “Goans should run Goa, like East Timores, Falkland Island et al” If this happens (albeit Gasper says “as if Sonia Gandhi is not aware of what is going on”) – does Sonia Gandhi know how Goans feel and are capable of managing Goa and has any Goan delegation met with her in person? Her late husband late Rajiv Gandhi as I said before had a soft corner for Goa unlike his grand father Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru is on record saying “Goa kha lokh ajeem hai” and somewhere he mentioned that Goans were known to be Cooks. The Keralites when they have to refer a Goan in their Malaylam language they refer Goans as ABC (Ayah, Butler and Cood) and this is a fact told to me by a Keralite when I worked in Q8 some two decades ago.

I believe our Goans have excelled in Middle East, Goa and elsewhere.

Goans in Middle East are the most vital people outside of Goa to contribute (and have always been contributing) and as Mr. Matanhy Saldanha says: “But unless the NR Goans get seriously committed, we cannot really move ahead on that front”. Here is a clear call from a great Goan who has done lots for the Goan common man i.e. Raponkars etc.

We need to show the Delhi authorities that Goans are not those that are projected in bolly-wood films. Great letters have gone from our energetic and talented Arwin Mesquita, Matanhy Saldanha and other prominent Goans
in Goa and other parts of the world.

I believe a personal presentation to Sonia Gandhi would add benefit to the “I believe” Mantra which could be extended to Delhi as well.

We have spent lot of time celebrating our culture (which is good), however, we need to step aside and get out of our comfort zone include our respected Freedom Fighters who role in “I believe” mantra is
more important than many of us.

It would be great to receive views from all. I am happy to learn and be corrected and I will respect all views without a scorn.

The Power of a Paradigm change is vital in our generation.


Oscar C. Lobo

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