The Mandar murder case and the shocking involvement of kids from prominent homes is still on our minds. Here below is another bitter truth again in Vasco. Before dreaming of saving Goa let us first deliver exemplary courage in saving our goan families and community. Now let us not say that politicians are solely repsonsible for the delinguents and criminals in society. Publishing history books and story books on Goans will not ensure a good society. Another sad day.

19-yr-old admits killing Dourado

A month after Naresh Dourado of Vasco was brutally murdered at Chicalim, Vasco police achieved a major breakthrough by arresting a youth from Khariwado, Vasco in connection with the murder. Snehal Dias (19) of Non-Mon in Khariwado, Vasco was arrested on charges of murdering Dourado (26) on August 2 in the flat of his (Dourado's) brother at Chicalim. The gruesome murder had shocked the State and Vasco police was under constant pressure to nab the culprit(s) at the earliest. Speaking to reporters in the presence of Deputy Superintendent of Police Mahesh Gaonkar and Police Inspector Braz Menezes, Superintendent of Police (South) South Allen De Sa evaded a volley of questions and declined to disclose more details in the case. "Since the case is at the initial stage, it will be premature to comment on it. We are investigating all aspects of the case," added De Sa. De Sa said the accused, Snehal Vincent Dias, had confessed to the crime and said he had killed Naresh in his brother's flat at Chicalim. "After confirming various angles into the case, the accused was linked to the case and moreover, the accused was known to the deceased. During interrogation, Dias confessed to the crime," said the SP. "The accused was recently arrested by Panjim police in connection with a motorcycle theft." "On August 18, he was brought from the Panjim police station to the Vasco police station on a transfer order and was placed in judicial custody," he said. "Since Dias was in judicial custody in connection with a theft case, he was taken by Vasco police for interrogation and police managed to crack the case," the SP added. When asked for the motive behind the brutal murder and if others were also involved, De Sa declined to reveal further details.
Dias was also allegedly involved in motorcycle thefts at Old Goa and Vasco.
Incidentally, the family had refused to bail out Dias in the theft case, assuming that he would repent and change his behaviour. When asked if the police had recovered Naresh's mobile phone and laptop, De Sa replied in the negative. It may be recalled that police had traced the missing Chevrolet Spark car (GA-06-D-4306) at Aradiband, Taleigao. Vasco police have arrested the accused under Sections 302, 449, 450, 397.

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