So, the Marshall Mendonza who (possibly) believes that it is OK to
propagate the '50 crores/day' - even though he knew that the figure
was a gross exaggeration of the truth AND who specialises in posting
ONLY anti-Hindu news items, is now implying that the following are not
exaggerations i.e. that

a: in 2009, hindutva (ideology) and not terrorism a la the
Mumbai-attack was the GREATEST threat India faced as a nation and that
Goa was not too far off. He probably believes that the Vasco church to
was also bombed by Hindutva elements.

ref  [1]
 Sun, 22 Mar 2009

b: He (obviously) has evidence to support his implication that Goan
Hindus and Catholics never did, do not and never will get on as one
people, and that they do not have sense. No wonder he says that GOA is
next on the radar of these forces of Hindu intolerance. He also uses
the gathering of Hindus in Goa (or as he states 'Hindutva forces in
Panjim') as evidence of that.

Wonder what happened to the "radar", and whether the looney right
would be justified in being paranoid about processions (during feasts)
in Poona, and wondering IF the Inquisition is coming back.

ref [2]
Tues Feb 3 2009

His next rather brilliantly inflammatory implication is that
hindutvawadi GOONS are ready to attack us or try to burn our homes or
property or attempt to rape a member of our families.

It is possible that Mr. Mendonza has never really lived in Goa -
and/or that he believes that ONLY Hindus are criminals.

ref [3]
Mon Jan 5 2009

NOW ..... It is possible that some Goa-netters out there will say that
the above references are NOT evidence of Marshall's exaggerations -
only of his anti-Hindu paranoia. These folks would perhaps take the
position that JC has been unable to substantiate the allegation that
Marshall has been exaggerating.

I suggest to all that EVERY religious, ethnic or social grouping has
good people and bad folks. If we are really interested in peace and
advancement through understanding among the majority of the people we
live with, OUR CRITICISM should be balanced.

If we criticise others, we must also criticise ourselves. Have I not
said this a number of times antes?

If we criticise the 'violentes' among the Hindu right, we should also
criticise the missionaries from the Christian right which denigrate

If we (rightly) criticise the murderers of the Staines, we must also
criticise the abusers of children.

Otherwise, we are NO different from the ignorant, brain-washed and
paranoid wing-nuts who spew hate at others.

AND YES .....if we make errors and the error is brought to our
attention, we should correct the error rather than defending the

Marshall Mendonza adds that IF he " had to scan the Goanet archives,
he (would) be able to cull out at least half a dozen statements made
by JC which could be considered as downright communal and anti-hindu".

UNFORTUNATELY.......the busy Marshall...... does not have the time for it.

What a pathetic and lame excuse. Not unexpected though.

In any event.... here are some of my writings:


ps: I believe Marshall gave me the last word on this topic and that he
has no time to research ...anyway. He is a classic 'hit and run'
specialist. The difference being that he selectively hits Hindus. I am
sure IF any one has seen him (by way of balance) criticising
Catholics, he/she will post it here. Unless ....the Catholics/other
Christians are blameless!

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