Albert Writes:- Roman Catholics must try to read the Bible and ask God to grow 
your wisdom to understand God and His only son Jesus in a better way. By 
putting Mary as a armour before God will not help you in any way. Accept God as 
your heavenly Father and know that He is the power, and He is the everything in 
your life. Build up a relationship with God instead of putting your faith on 
dead statues. St.Paul to the Romans says we should not make statues of God in 
any way. It is mentioned in the first chapter. I wonder when our learned 
leaders will be enlightened by the Holy Spirit and will start preaching the 
word of God instead of telling us foreign arabian stories. It is a shame that 
we are zero with the bible. We only know what is given in the daily focus. 
Sunday reading is rarely understood by anyone because we do not have he bible 
with us for reference. While verbally we talk of Jesus Christ as our saviour in 
reality we still adore paganism. None of us know what we are praying and to 
whom we are praying. There is no reason in calling the other denominations as 
inferior products because they do not celebrate Mary's feast as we do and there 
is no need to put other religious belief down and harp that we are having Jesus 
Christ alive in our churches. Today instead of becoming confused with our 
beliefs why do we not take the bible and pray with the Bible ? why don't we 
learn to accept Christ as our saviour ? 

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