Whose points got sharpened after the 'Save Goa' agitation of 2007 is well known 
and is there for every goan to see. Whose point will now get sharpened in 2011 
through this anti-corruption campaign is also predictable. 
The possibility of an early assembly election anywhere after January 2011 
requires some hysteria and mob frenzy to be whipped up to get unsuspecting 
Goans whistling till the ballot is cast. Thereafter the refrain will aimlessly 
be let to blow in the wind like the 'Goa Bachao'. 
Looks like this anti-corruption hysteria in the run up to the Assembly polls is 
among the latest tongue ticklers to the unsuspecting goan pallate for assembly 
polls 2011 from the veteran chefs in saraswat cuisine. The recipes for 'Greater 
Goa' and ' Special Status will also be tested out. 
Let us wait and watch which one sticks.


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