Konkani CD "Gheyat, Punn Diyat"

The well renowned Bab Andrew proudly presents to you, his fourth Konkani album “Gheyat, Punn Diyat”. The music album which was earlier released in Qatar and Bahrain has catchy tracks by well known Bab Andrew, Andrea, and Andson, Aaron. They are well supported by Albert Cabral, Marcus Vaz, Francis de Tuem, Tony de Ribandar, Alias & Tommy(Jr Nelson). It is well knitted with good solos, duets, duos, Trios, and a well sung Chouko by the family.

In the opening song Bab Andrew tells us about the consequences we face we we don’t return our debts in time. A well sung solo which also suggest us to save something for our unseen difficult times instead of enjoying our life. The second song is by Marcus Vaz who brilliantly come out with the importance of wearing a rosary and a scapular, which is rarely worn by the people in thes modern times. The third is a Albert-Andrew duo that sings highly about the priests and the sacrifice the make for the society and instead of appreciating that some people just makes a mole out of an anthill and depicts them as a nuisance in the same society. A very catchy tune and great lyrics. Then there is beautifully rendered solo by Andrea on ‘Niddukai’. Then come Francis de Tuem with his typical style. Here he sings about the malpractices at the “Fatorda Stadium”. Bab Andrew sings “Fokannam” with his daughter Andrea and his two sons - Andson and Aaron. A humorous 'chouko' by the family which is very rare these days. Further to that Tony de Ribandar sings a well knitted solo “Bogsonnem” wherein he sings about the care we should take while we discipline our children. Great lyrics indeed. Then come a duet with Andrea which highlights the importance of marriage vows taken on the wedding day. Alias renders a solo “Fotkiro” on the hardships faced by a people who stands as surety for others in need and ends up paying the debt themselves. Once again Albert-Andrew comes out with the religious values in the duo “Miss” demonstrate there is nothing more holy than the holy mass. In his song “Fond Vikinaka” Tommy (Jr. Nelson) speaks about the recent trend of buying the grave in the cemetery. And goes on to say that if everybody does this all our cemeteries will fall short and there will no place left for all of us. And finally the last song is a political trio sung by Bab Andrew-Albert-Tony de Ribandar. The music is superbly composed by Norman Cardozo and this Album is recorded at “Audio Masters” by Aurville Rodricks. His three previous released albums namely: SONVSAR KONNACHO, MAIM PAIK SAMBALL, and CHEAR SOTAM (VCD) were well received by the audience. And this album too is a must for all household.

[Review by Mickey Fernandes]


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