I got this short mail from a very respected person which Itake liberty to put forth to all.

Quote "The monetary contributions will be given to some scamsteror notorious activist ultimately. Goans will get duped with stories of Save Goa and Special status and thereafter claim that they have beeen cheated". Unquote.

It is obvious if an individual of his/her repute has apprehension about the activities and funding of any NGO's then it is certainly a great cause of concern. This has to be addressed by making the functioning of these bodiestransparent and accountable.Credibility of any organisation will gauged by it Articles and Memorandum wherein Aims and Objectives are clearly defined and followed by its members. Until we have this in the constitution of the organisation credibility will be always question. We cannot demand transparency and accountability from political class if we ourselves do not adhere to it. 19th Dec 2010 is what we pledge to do. I would appeal to all concern at Goa Foundation to lead us by this example. I am certain Carmen and Goa Foundation willgivedetails of the balance sheet to all Donors.

BTW, I conspicuous of the dead silence from certain quarters in Arabian Gulf Peninsular. Is this because ofthe up-coming mega event in Kuwait? May be people do not want to upset his Excellency E.F. Did Goans got value for the Money? Or did few close toE.F got the better of PIE? People must do Cost-Benefit analysis on themoney spent on past4 conventions and dothe reality check if itisworth the cause.

Warm regards,
Agnelo Pinheiro/Dubai

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