Santosh Helekar said: <<<Gilbert
is now taking out his frustrations about Goanetters who have exposed his
follies by smearing and insinuating their innocent families who have 

nothing to do with Gilbert or Goanet. What a
shameful thing to do!

BTW, all responses to such abusive posts
are already being posted on 

international Goan websites for the last 15

RESPONSE: Dr. Gilbert has not accused
anyone in particular or mentioned any names, nor given any definite hint as to
the identity of the uncouth persons who act as self appointed ‘Mafia Bosses’ on
Goanet. It is for the Goanetters to identify them from their posts. I ask the
reason for this outburst from Santosh.             If
the cap didn’t fit him, a learned person as Santosh claims himself, should have
just ignored the comment.


I beg to differ on one point with Dr. Gilbert.
He said: “very educated but totally uncouth”. I may be wrong as this involves
English. Education is attaining knowledge; in contrast to Degrees which is just
a piece of paper. Education cannot be obtained through manipulations whereas
Degrees can. And often than not, it gets exposed when these specimens open
their mouth. 



Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.

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