Dear BC,

I have said this before and will say this again. While I can understand your position, while canvassing it, please dont be bizarre! There is nothing that is more detrimental to a position that the kind of untenable positions that you suggest.

British Corporate interests were present in Goa even before 1961. The rail link to Goa was a result of British corporate interests.

Similarly, the capitalist exploitation of the Goan mines also began under the Portuguese regime.

You do not need to support the Portuguese regime blindly to make the protests of Indian action that you do. Even the Portuguese are not interested in Goa anymore. The Goans however, continue to be. Perhaps you would like to make that point,



2010/11/2 Bernado Colaco

British corporate came to Goa under the signature of the current rule imposed upon Goans since 1961. You call it liberation?


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