J. Colaco < jc> wrote:<<<< I understand that English is a difficult
language. What is it I wrote about Claude being Mangalorean - and how does it
relate to what Falcao has written. Hasn't Churchill done many good deeds for
'his people'. So?  I am however interest
in Falcao's points 1 and  2. He
wishes me to discuss - So hear go my questions which surely Falcao will
'discuss':  a: Would Falcao please
advise me of the "rules and regulations" (and where I would find them
) he is referring to.  b: Is Falcao
stating that GMC (where he might say that he was not taught Ethics) was Clean,
Green and Pristine when he was a medical student ?  c: If not, did Falcao 
'attack the Government' and did he
bring "the Health Ministry to fall in line with rules and
regulations"?  Or ....was he
more interested in assisting the "bar owners" in their capitalist
goal.  jc >>>>


RESPONSE : I am glad that <jc> admits that English is
difficult as obviously shown in sentences from his post above: “I am however
interest in Falcao's points…” , “So hear go my questions…”

To come back to ,jc. Questions:

a - <jc> need to be advised that any administrative unit or
Department or a Ministry have Rules and Regulations and as well as Laws by
which administrators need to abide. The Dean is the Administrator of the
Medical College. His Superiors in the administrative ladder are the under
Secretary, the Health Secretary, the Health Minister, and finally the C.M.

b – Nowhere have I stated that GMC was Clean, Green and Pristine.
Nor have I stated that GMC did not teach me ethics. Could <jc> please
reproduce where I have said so? Or is he referring to the unsolicited mails he
and Santosh and some lay cronies keep sending, wherein I referred to <jc>
as  being “uncivilised and having
no manners”?

c – If <jc> ‘s memory isn’t failing him, he should remember
the year 1971, where I had brought the Health Ministry to abide by the rules.
If he cannot remember, he can ask the then under-secretary of Health Mr.
Percival Noronha. The Secretary is no more, but the Minister is still living.
And if I am not mistaken, and if my guess is correct, that <jc> is Dr.
Gerard de Souza’s brother-in-law, I may have brushed <jc>’s memory.

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.


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