[1] < jc> wrote:….In return for Falcao's gracious correction of my
typo, I will NOT direct his attention to the following (obviously, a
typo) from him:  "any administrative unit or Department or [A]
Ministry HAVE Rules and Regulations"  >>
[2] Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão RESPONSE : One last time “FUNKOT”
tuitions  for <jc> in the English Language.
That was not typo, and definitely not at all an 'obvious' error to the
learned. ANY of these HAVE Rules & Regulations.
There is the word ‘any’ used as a pronoun in plural for administrative
unit/Department/Ministry. Meaning: Any of them HAVE.


jc's response (final):

The word [A] before the word [Ministry] having been noted, what else
can I say except that we have a brilliant national hero who (despite
his problems with Santoshbab) is the very best. I certainly recognise
him as such and invite others especially Santoshbab to do likewise.

Falcao, thou art the very best.



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