:Pics and Video – VANXIM protest Meet
 Villain no 1 is our ‘Bism’,  ‘Casino mhonche Chellyeponnam’ etc

Ille de Capao
 The lady (I could not gt her name) probably from Vanxim in her
Speech disclosed the names of some of the secret agents of 
Mahendra Gaunekar viz
Philip D’Melo, Manuel Furtado (Panch Member) who said 
Vanxim needed star hotel/tourist spot
Narayan Bhosle, who lives at other place.
Bruno Ferrao who wrote on Vauraddeamcho Ixtt
Saying Vanxim is of no use ‘onupyogi’
Fr. Bimark said by selling the land, the church leader
done a great injustices to humanity. Watch video
He also said many priests back him up in his battle 
But none  comes infront to talk in the meeting like this..
He said there is only one religion ‘the Earth’ – Watch video
‘When our fathers or the religious  leaders  go wrong, we should 
tell them about their wrongs and that religion is  the right religion 
and  the  right approach’ -  watch video
Talking about casinos, he said ‘Casino mhonghe Chellyeponnam’
(Casino means prostitution).
Seby or Sebastian Rodrigues (GOAMAP)  said during the first 
meeting here at Vanxim he spoke about the Heroes but now he would
 talk about the villains.  
Villain No. 1 he said ‘Archbishop of Goa, Filip Neri Ferrao – Watch Video

Church accused Vanxim people  being encroachers but he said 
the church itself encroached upon Vanxim
He further explained that Portuguese made  Vanxim as Santa Monica 
and when they left it was handed over to Santa Monica.
Which means the church then become Landlord and the islanders 
become their tenants  and hence encroachers
Adv. Yatish Naik said fighting for Goan Indentify is the third major battle.
Previous two being Opinion Poll and and the fight for Mother 
Tongue Konkani

Watch video

Some pics
The Church façade
The church of Jesus Christ (1956)
a beautiful sunset from a small boat  jetty infront of the church
the above jetty – abandoned or neglected?
Railing pipes are corroded and are broken
Some houses on the river bank, close to the church (right)
Behind cemetery

the meet with church view

to the left of the church
main raod between the houses, where bikes are seen
the people who occupied the chairs
and some on the fence seen  in the background
the speakers
Sorry, I could get her name
(Margarida Silveira??)
Fr. Bismark Dias
Seby / Sebastian Rodrigues
Adv. Yatish Naik
Note: the background of the most speakers is the main altar of the church
This one
A cross in the river, seen while crossing the river
The cross and the Divar side ferry jetty

with ferryboat at Divar side jetty
opp. Divaaya Resort
The main to Ferry and Divaaya Resort
30 minute wait for ferry at  Divar Sao Pedro Jetty
Could not board the first ferry as it was full up
the video - protest meet

The meet was to start at 4pm but started  around 5pm
Not that many people could be seen.
I would put it around 125 of which only around 
50  occupied the  chairs.
It appears that not all people from Vanxim attended the meet
particularly the nearby Hindu community.
Our short visit to the right of the church, towards river bank.
- we saw some people in their houses.  For a meet like this.
Every one should have attended the meet, particularly all Vanxin islanders.
One speaker said, and said it  twice that he does not know 
the Vanxim scandal in details…
People who don’t know the problem or people who don’t know what 
they are talking, should not be allowed to speak  at all.
More Vanxim pics
Feat of Christ at Vanxim May 2009  -Video
There are no deliberate attempts  made in the reporting to spark
 any sort of controversy.  What you read here is what I saw or
 what I felt – some of it you see in the video anyway.
I must admit I share the ideology of Fr. Bismark.
We left home at 3.30 and arrived Vanxim at 4.45
Two ferry to take and we were in the Q.
Back at Panjim 7pm, we had a quick dinner at Regos.
Back home at 8.30pm  and from 8.45pm to 2.45am
I was on this case Pics/Video/Report. 
The biryani we had at Rego’s (as if you didn’t believe me )
thank you and good night.


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