Hello Goanetters,
  The Goan Ladainha is a 'Start of Celebration' for almost anything       
  Gayatri Sankar is completely wrong.
  These people are just trying their art of lying to the
  gullible and thereby becoming known.
  The Ladainha is the portuguese name of the Litany in
  English. This is a solemn prayer, albeit a longish one, and
  can be recited or sung.
  Normally sung or recited after a long Roasary prayer
  session. It has been and still is a very 'popular form of
  prayer' and is Sung with great pomp and gusto at the time of
  celebrations, mostly in the Home.
  I have seen and heard this Ladainha sung in 'voices' and
  most often accompanied by violin playing. (No Gumot!) When I
  lived in Goa, I often used to gate crash (if not invited)
  these celebrations with the ladainha Singing; of course with
  the promise of the good old 'cuppacho' at the end of the
  prayer service. Even kids used to look forward to having a
  sip at Muscatel!
  Nostalgia indeed!
  Even more lovely is the Funeral song "mai thaim vetam!"
  literally meaning: "going to mother"; this is such a
  beautiful song at funerals, it has always brought tears of
  joy to me!
  You see, we have learnt 'to respect the dead' from the
  Portuguese and British influence; giving 'our Dead' a solemn
  farewell! Another great Goan custom. 
  Viva Goa! Viva Goan Lifestyle! > Nascimento Caldeira.
> --- On Wed, 1/12/10, Carvalho <elisabeth_...@yahoo.com>
> wrote:
> > Last week I learnt that the Goans in
> > the Uk were housekeepers. This week, I am 
> > learning that the American Thanksgiving is celebrated
> in
> > Goa as the Ladin. 
> > 
> > Writes Gayatri Sankar "Indian’s lifestyle and
> culture
> > have had a great influence 
> > from the West and Thanksgiving Day is one such custom
> which
> > is quite popular. 
> > The state of Goa, which has a thick population of
> > Christians, celebrates the 
> > festival with great pomp and show. The Goans have
> named the
> > day as ‘Ladin’ or 
> > ‘Ladainha’. ‘Ladin’ means a litany to the
> Virgin
> > Mary. "
> >  
> > 
> > http://spicezee.zeenews.com/articles/story76094.htm
> > Am I crazy or is this just plain wrong?
> >  
> > Best,
> > Selma

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