Dear George,
U are being sarcastic, only to score points with the gullible. U are doing a 
great job with Goa Shudharop; but i honestly think yuou yourself needs some 
Goan style Sudharop, considering the way you write, often only related with 
Catholics and the Pope. Yet U are working to making Padre Jose Vaz recognised 
as a saint. U mean to say that all other religions and their practices are 
wholly good?

 The way U write; is like questioning why the Zero Meridian should run thru 
Grenwich and not Allahabad or Shanghai. U know the answer; Because the English 
Observatory founded the system. Same way The Church and the Europeans around 
that time dealt with Calenders and time, then. So where does your atheists, 
jains, hindus, muslims etc come in. These were a non entity in those days and 
were hardly known. 

Europe was the world then untill the so called colonials came and passed on 
their learning to others. Is it not so? 

Even the great Indian King who built two 'Jantar Mantars' in Jaipur and Delhi, 
has plaques at the entrance prominently displayed: the king went to Europe, 
learnt  and then added a bit and built these Mantars in India, so his 
countrymen could learn at home, instaed of going abroad. Almost everything 
originated in Europe. :-) :-) 
I will give you marks for sarcasm though!


--- On Thu, 2/12/10, George Pinto <> wrote:
> > Gilbert Lawrence wrote...
> > .....likely Linschoten knew the Goa Inquisition was a
> paper-tiger;
> > despite what Richard Zimmer and his cohorts say about
> the Goa 
> > Inquisition. 
> Gilbert is right, there was no Goa inquisition. Please do
> not shoot the messenger (moi) for pointing this out but
> Gilbert is correct to imply the Portuguese were the first
> native inhabitants of Goa and Goan Hindus invaded the place.
> The first thing they did was build temples on existing
> churches. 
> Subsequently, Catholics "architecturally modified" the
> temples by constructing churches over temples but this was
> purely for aesthetic reasons. I mean, who can be against a
> little aesthetic change, like the Afghan Taliban did to
> Buddhist statues a few years ago.
> The only incident we have on record regarding the Goa
> Inquisition is one Catholic stole some milk sometime between
> Oct 4 to Oct 14, 1582 but Pope Gregory XIII changed the
> Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar to remove those 10
> days and wipe out the Goa inquisition. 
> Of course atheist medical doctors paid by BIG Pharma drug
> companies have said that the Pope changed the calendar to
> bring it back in line with the solstices. We know how
> deceptive scientists can be, especially when someĀ 
> blamed Catholics for irregularities in the Vatican Bank
> about 35 years ago, when everyone knows that Parsis, Jews,
> Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, atheists, agnostics, and
> Martians were responsible. Can you imagine blaming Catholics
> for the Vatican Bank troubles!
> I hope everyone thanks Gilbert for his defense of
> Catholics. 
> George

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