My responses [JC]  to what Selma Carvalho [SEC] wrote on this topic:

SEC1: My God, what are we doing with our lives?
JC1: Apologies. Not being a surgeon, I am absolutely unable to answer for God.

SEC2: For a person like me born after Liberation, Portugal is an
emasculated South-West European power overlooking the Atlantic. I have
no interest in it, politically or economically. I vaguely know where
it is geographically.
JC2: It appears as though a whole generation of Goans has been trained
poorly in Geography and comprehending the meaning of the word "power".

SEC3: Are we Goans walking backward with debates about the Portuguese
v/s Indian? This is like a hideous nightmare of Catholic buffoonery
and right-wing Hindu intellectual bankruptcy.
JC3: Do not know much about either buffoons or intellectuals. Hence, I
will PASS.

SEC4: Between these two divides, Goa is seriously shot in the foot.
JC4: Is it possible that the focus is on the word 'Rule" as in the
Rule of Law, rather than on the word "Portuguese" or "Indian"? If so,
I suspect that it is possible that some desi young lady in Inglaterra
is in serious danger of putting her foot in her mouth (perhaps, once
again). Have we not read - oh so often - from Floriano ..."Give us the
Portuguese Rule back .....NOT the Portuguese"?

Ah well ...let me enjoy this lunch of mine consisting of some
super-delicious dal, rice and cabbage bhaji ...quietly ..... before
some Ozzie (Oi Oi Oi) realizes that I am quite a primitive


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