Thanks Floriano,

So what exactly are you trying to tell us all with your long message? That the authorities have failed in some way or another? Getting back to my message, if the authorities have failed you, target them and NOT THE MUSIC LOVING PEOPLE OF GOA.



From: floriano

Compliments of the SEASON to you, Dear Salus.

I see that you are peeked by my post on the SUNBURN Festival at Candolim Beach. The High Court of Bombay at Goa, with its concerns for the lay citizens being disturbed by loud music noise pollution has seen it fit to include those people on the committee who have been wanting governments and its agencies to implement the laws, rules and regulations in force on a consistent basis with track records. And there are people like myself who would not bother a wee bit if not elected (party) but will want the governments in place to do their jobs. Laws, rules and regulations are put in place because people like myself see, through their qualified objections, that these are put in place. Every one is equal in the eyes of the law. The ideal thing that will happen if the laws of the land are implemented to the crossing of the 'Ts' and dotting of the 'Is' is that those who want to enjoy, make money, be prosperous will enjoy, make money and be prosperous but those who don't, their rights to be left alone in peace will be guaranteed. When this becomes one sided, the other side protests, agitates and demands that their rights be given to them. And this erases most of the lethargies in the implementation of the Laws rules and regulations in existence, and also helps in formulating news Laws etc. .... meaning that the chairs of the persons sitting in commanding positions are shaken.

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