This gets complicated. Remember the industrialists; Seems that Gandhi's
concern was to keep businesses happy, or was it was only the Birlas?! If he
was around and seeing the India of today, its is apropos to speculate that
he could have had a second or third awakening -- a major one, much on the
lines of people just trying to stay on track. The first being when he was
pushed onto the platform at Pietermaritsburg. I hope I will not be
considered a spoiler, but the following links are worth looking at and
factoring within larger thoughts.
Pietermaritzburg: The Beginning of Gandhi's Odyssey

Worth knowing:
Gandhi - Financial History - Part I
(excpt 1)
Gandhi gave his blessing to the abundant wealth
of Birla with his teaching on trusteeship, a concept which asserted the
right of the rich to accumulate and maintain wealth, as long as the wealth
was used to benefit society. Gandhi apparently borrowed the concept of
trusteeship from the writings of the American millionaire, Andrew Carnegie,
who had used trusteeship to promote capitalism over socialism.

(excpt 2)
Apparently Gandhi had reasons for publicly seeming to support a party
(Swaraj, vjp) which
he admitted in private he was against. Similarly, Gandhi voiced radical
views against capitalism and industrialism in his public speeches and

Industrialism is, I am afraid, going to be a curse for mankind ....
Industrialism depends entirely on your capacity to exploit.[56]


Gandhi, Globalization, and Quality of Life: A Study in the Ethics of


He did reject the factory model of industrialization,and rather preferred
that a machine be kept idle than a man/person. This I deeply believed from
the time I was around 20 that this should have been the model for India, Not
having NAM and then chucking it all away. It is know that Gandhi preferred
that money be in the pockets of the factory owners rather than extra money
in the hands of the workers. I can relate to do if one grooms a society to
live a particular kind of life, where the factory owner has specific
responsibilities that lead to a comprehensive understanding as well as
dispersion of egalitarian values. Imagine if when TV was introduced in
Doordarshan had basic civic learning to all of us, not just the poor, as in
Lahan Kutumbh Suki Kutumbh! As also along the lines of;defecating (and
building the necessary amenities), spitting pan, groping. Its not just the
poor -- the wealthy do it too; and mass training would have made the poor
see that they too can at time rebuke those to the haveli born (to the manor
born).. .
Also when we look at the license raj etc., it helps to note that Mrs Gandhi
took advice from industrialists -- right so, but who in the first place
could not imagine the idea of competition, Most of them simply could not see
other ways of operating and furthering a country like India. It was a
particular myopia to say the least. Having said that I happen to live in the
West, and for what its worth adding -- there are many  things that led to
it. Personally speaking, some of us are much better out of India than dead.
It not fear needless to add.

venantius j pinto

Message: 9
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2011 22:44:12 +0530
From: "soter" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] misfired price blame

Eric wrote:
"Had Gandhi lived, there would certainly have been a new freedom movement,
a restoration of a free economy, enterprise without today's crony

Definitely. Gandhi would have started a second struggle to free the villages
from central domination. We would have had thousands of republics
independent and yet dependent on each other. That would have gone against
the capitalist interests and so he was silenced by the gun. But Truth
remains the Truth, no matter what the government does to conceal it.
Operation green hunt and jailing Binayak Sen is not going to curb dissent,
it will only increase it. This nation will pay dearly for its economic
greed. We are a billion people and not in millions like the west. We need
food and water security, not uranium, armament and computer technology.
India's green revolution may have created a short term surplus of food but
it has poisoned the land and water and rendered it unproductive in the long
run. Punjab is a victim of fertilizers and pesticides. Looks like China will
bring India to its senses sooner or later.


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