-----Original Message-----
From: Mervyn Lobo

> Perhaps you are not aware of this but science has confirmed that the
> Shroud of Turin is material manufactured some time between 1260
> and 1390 AD.

RESPONSE: I too was of the opinion that the issue of the genesis of the Shroud of Turin was settled a long time ago. In light of the recent discussion I turned to google and here are a couple of links I found quickly:

** The Shroud of Turin **

Modern science has completed hundreds of thousands of hours of detailed study and intense research on the Shroud. It is, in fact, the single most studied artifact in human history, and we know more about it today than we ever have before. And yet, the controversy still rages.


** Wikipedia **

In 1978 a detailed examination was carried out by a team of American scientists called STURP. They found no reliable evidences of forgery, and called the question of how the image was formed "a mystery".

In 1988 a radiocarbon dating test was performed on small samples of the shroud. The laboratories at the University of Oxford, the University of Arizona, and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, concurred that the samples they tested dated from the Middle Ages, between 1260 and 1390. Three peer-reviewed articles have since been published contending that the samples used for the dating test may not have been representative of the whole shroud.

According to former Nature editor Philip Ball, "it's fair to say that, despite the seemingly definitive tests in 1988, the status of the Shroud of Turin is murkier than ever. Not least, the nature of the image and how it was fixed on the cloth remain deeply puzzling". The shroud is one of the most studied artifacts in human history, and one of the most controversial.


- B

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