Hello Goanetters
Please open the link below and enter your email address to win $100. gift 
cards.I know Guilherme from my school/college days in Goa  University 1985
Thanks Please forward to other Goans 
My Mother and I nominated Glem for the Top 25 Canadian Immigrants Awards. He 
has been shortlisted as one of 75 semi-finalists. Based on a Peoples Choice 
Voting process the Top 25 Canadian Immigrants will be selected. I wanted to 
share this with you and also to consider supporting him.   
The voting site link is below. His name is listed as Guilherme Dias 
Anyone living in Canada can vote. Each voter gets a chance to win one of ten 
$100 visa gift cards from the sponsors. 
Please feel free to forward within your network - His bio is attached. The link 
below provides testimonials of his work. 
Thank you very much! 


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