The Goa Public Gambling (Amendment)
Bill, 2011
(Bill No. 7 of 2011)
further to amend the Goa Public Gambling
Act, 1976.
Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Goa in the Sixty-second Year of
the Republic of India, as follows:-
1. Short title and commencement.- (1) This Act may be called The Goa Public Gambling
(Amendment) Act, 2011.
(2) It shall come into force on such date as Government may, by notification in the Official
Gazette, appoint.
2. Insertion of new section 13B.- After section 13A of the principal Act, the following
section shall be inserted, namely:-
"13B.- Restrictions on entry in the casinos.- (1) Only non-residents of the State
shall be allowed to enter the Casinos for purpose of Gambling.
(2) No advertisements of casinos anywhere in the State in the print media,
electronic media or by any other audio and visual means shall be allowed.".
Statement of Object and Reasons
It is found that number of residents of Goa including those below the age of 21 years are frequently visiting casinos to play games which is destroying the social fabric of the State by ruining families in the State; further the casino advertisement allure the locals specially the youth to visit such places. The present amendment to Goa Public Gambling (Amendment) Act, 1976 seeks to prevent the above occurrences and achieve the desired objectives of preventing locals specially youth from getting involved in Gambling activities.

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