I could not agree less with most of the analysis of  Kumar Ketkar, Editor of  
Dainik Divya and Vijaya Baru of Business Standard on the Anna Hazare mob frenzy 
over the Jan Lok Pal Bill on CNN IBN. As rightly pointed out, hardly a few 
would have actually bothered to study the Government's version of the Bill and 
the Civil Society's version, though not all of CSOs are in agreement. 
But what is even more important is to understand the genesis of the well 
crafted noises about Corruption in Governance and the political slant to the 
entire campaign. While one corruption is protected as 'Vibrant' the other is 
being systematically unsettled with Vibrations on corruption. 
This Anna's mantaar is being hijacked for other agendas and the unsuspecting 
public will only realise that they were made to 'run with the hare and hunt 
with the hounds'. Apolitical, my foot!
Hope it is not the case of Victory for Jan Lok Pal and a Loss for India's 


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