Nascy Caldeira wrote: Barad, Good on you! for once, you are speaking
like an unbiased non saffron person! Nascy Caldeira

My response:

Nascy, it’s not once….it’s always! Good or bad depends on many
factors, like, on the mood of the person when he reads the messages,
on the nature and culture of a person, etc.

I am fully aware of the class of members, their thinking logic, their
blabbermouth, their class of English writing in this forum to which I
also write. Considering all these, I have organized myself, since many
years; to receive all unhealthy remarks from rude forum members… such
remarks is helping me train myself to deal with crooks / mask wearers
(what other things I learn, I will write some other time) – the art
which most books on the shelf don’t explain!

Nascy, I repeat, I don’t write to give pleasure to anyone or please
any political party or carryon any religious/political agenda like
most others do in the forum! I write about the happenings/developments
taking place around us …… readers are free to draw their own

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

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