Jim Fernandes  wrote:
> If there was nobody around to perform power packed wailing, folks would 
> hire "professional wailers", who would belt out a performance for a little 
> "copa-chem" and food.

Jim Fernandes,
"In the old wild west of America, executed criminals were hung up in public 
squares. And photos of gunned down criminals — some featuring the 
triumphant sheriff and his posse — were widely circulated.

When they ruled Afghanistan, the Taliban used to string up executed 
criminals and political enemies on trees in traffic squares. Or they gathered 
people in stadiums to cheer the stoning of women.

Osama bin Laden’s killing was cheered by flag-waving crowds near the White 
House and Ground Zero, and in sports arenas with shouts of “U-S-A, U-S-A.” 
Star sports columnist Cathal Kelly observed: “By American lights, it was an 
emotional, patriotic spectacle. To this outsider, it had an unseemly aspect. 
A celebration of death smacks of a barbecue held outside the gates to the 
gas chamber.”"

The above is a quote from Canada's most popular journalist. If you need to 
read the entire article, here is the link.



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