Jim Fernandes wrote:
> In an interview with '60 minutes' last night, President Obama made it clear, 
> that anybody who has sympathies with bin Laden, need to get their head 
> examined.

Thank you for making my point so clear!
Every time an African leader announces that he has killed his enemy,
people climb trees around the state house, chant and start dancing,
waving tree branches in the air. While I don't think this has happened in the 
USA, such scenes are now not too far away as everyone loves a strong man, 
one who goes to his enemy's hometown and kills him. Why bother with a 
court case when everyone knows that the accused is guilty?
> By hunting down bin Laden, the Americans proved a point - that they 
> got the b*lls to find their enemies and send the dead men walking under 
> the seas.

Yep, the US is building a reputation for killing its enemies and some friends 
too. It has become exceedingly clear that every missile fired in Afghanistan in 
the past five years, was because of military b*lls and not intelligence. 
Talking about b*lls, I hope you guys have the intelligence to re-pay and not
default on the loans you took from the Chinese to finance your war b*lls er, 
I will wind up on a happy note, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA.
PS. Once again, thank you for devaluing your currency (and sending the price
of gold to record levels).

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