Learn one (or more) Konkani word today:

NOROC bad smell, stinking

NOROM soft, tender

NOROM CORUNC to soften, to modify

NOROM PODDUNC to be spiritless

NORT f north

NORTI DUDDUANCHEO promissory notes of money

NOS nerve, nerves

NOSTO breakfast

NOU m pipe

NOULANCHO, -I, -EM surprising, amusing


NOURI bride

NOURO m bridegroom

NOURO-OHOCOL bridal pair

[Source: Konkani-English Pocket Dictionary/Concanim-Inglez Dicionar.
First published in 1930. Republished in 1991 and 1999 by the Asian
Educational Services, Rs 195 in India.]

E&OE: Errors and ommissions excepted.
Text is from a 1930 dictionary, and written style may have changed since.

Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490

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