I would like to personally thank Mervyn Maciel for all the quiet but determined 
support he lends to Goan causes and projects. Mervyn put his full weight in 
getting the former District Commissioners of Kenya to support our proposal for 
a grant to study the East African Goan Community. Their support doubtless went 
a long way in securing us the grant.
As Mervyn knows, work on the proposal started six months ago. It is very 
detailed with a full set of agreed objectives alongwith a detailed plan on 
expenditure. The fund will be audited by The Heritage Lottery Fund, which is a 
public sector institution and their accounts are a matter of public record. 
We hope to build on the work of previous academics who have paved the way for 
us. Knowledge can never be a surplus. We can only grow as each passing 
generation hopes to know more about its own past. Our past is the guiding torch 
to our future. Without it, we would be lost.
I sincerely request the support of all UK Goans be it is volunteering or 
wanting to be interviewed. Your stories are important and need to be recorded 
and preserved so that generations that come after us, will learn from them. 

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