Dear Goanetters,
Some persons are asking to speak/ converse in Konkni;
 as if that is any criteria to decide on the medium of Instruction
 in Schools, at whatever level.
I am not shy of talking/writing in Konkni; rather 
keep away from doing so as I am not very literate 
in Konkni; However I am more literate in Hindi. 
I did all of my primary and high school (then 11 
years leading to matriculation) in Bombay with 
English as the medium of instruction. Then after 
India became so-called Independent;
(still not independent; in fact more dependent) 
a lot of changes came to pass by way of subjects. school 
texts etc. One of the changes was the cumpulsory 
teaching/ learning of Hindi at the secondary 
level, until passing out. but was not made a 
cumpulsory subject for the passing out Board 
exam. This was good then, but at the expense of the
regional language. This is,  as 'complex' as India is!!
The point I wish to make here is that Only Hindi, the 
supposedly national language was made cumpulsory; 
not Marathi the regional language or mt of 
Maharastrians.and of course there was no Konkni.
U see that India, constituted as at present is a 
very diverse country, united with very diverse 
sub cultures and languages. And these variations 
cannot be compartmentalised, nor should they be; 
as the whole country is ONE. So how do say 
Bengalis/ Tamils/Keralites etc.learn, thru what 
Tongue whilst in Goa?? The majority would opt for 
learning in the most convenient way for them. 
Thus arose a lot of problems in Bombay then, when 
the Chavan Govt. (I think) introduced medium of 
instruction Marathi for everyone.
 At once there was a hue and cry about this silly 
stupid Order. All English medium schools and 
Parents of these schools, united under the newly 
formed Swatantra Party then, (as an alternative 
to the INC.) They went to court and the High 
Court then declared that mother tongue as Medium 
of Instruction cannot be made cumpulsory, by 
Govt. decree. It is the Parents that have the 
Right to Decide the Medium of Instruction for 
their 'minor' children and  not some Govt. rules.
It was also declared that the mother tongue be 
defined as the language spoken in the Home. So 
who decides the language spoken in the home? or 
who does not have the right to speak whatever 
language they like at home? All the Parents 
decided their spoken language at home was the 
English language; and so the staus quo remained; 
the absolute right  of the Parents.
And more importantly declared that the Govt. of 
the Day has the obligation to aid/ fund these 
schools like any other.
Besides these legal/ sensible considerations; 
there is the consideration of merit in medium of 
instruction language. All Indian languages are 
under developed even today when compared to the 
leading languages in our world. So who would not 
use a modern highly developed and international 
world language like English (a Ticket to Heaven) 
as medium of instruction for their children, more 
so when it is possible and readily available in 
India that abounds in English parlance and 
literature. The Times of India, English edition 
is the largest selling English Daily in the 
world. So it is and in every way an Indian 
Language. Whoever says it is alien and or foreign 
and etc. are all "Idiots of the highest order".
By all means teach regional language and Hindi in 
schools but not at the cost of English learning. 
It is important to learn English from grade one; 
so as to be proficient early enough for future 
learning, keping in mind that all higher laerning 
in India is in English.
Anything else smacks of 'apartheid and 
segregation' in the learning sphere. India is 
infamously notorious for this.
If Indians do not change their way of looking at 
the world, then they are primitive and would 
remain that way. Who is, one of them, who 
does not want to develop and catch up with the 
world? Or is it that only the elite want to develop and 
keep others down in segregated  lowly schools, to 
keep doing your servile work??
The present Goa Govt. decision is the best and 
correct one, on Medium of Instruction. Where 
English is medium, there is a cumpulsory subject 
of Konkni or Marathi as second language and vice 
versa. Where Konkni or some other Indian language 
is the medium, then Engish must be learnt from 
grade one.
Any person or group, who does not agree to this 
is 'A Communal bastard'.
Live and Let live! Down with Casteism, 
Communalism, Segregation and Apartheid, in Indian 
Anyone not agreeing to this is an affront to 
modern Indians, and should therefore be asked to 
go drown themselves with a granite stone tied 
around their necks.
Nascy Caldeira.

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